Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Computer Repair Toronto Welcomes You !

This is our very first post on our brand new site, and we are happy that you are here to read it with us. Although content is rather thin currently, one may say non existent, we have plans to provide a great deal of useful computing information and tutorials in the near future. Our goal here at Computer Repair Toronto is to provide free advice for those who want to do things themselves. At the same time we wish to provide paid-service for those who would rather have someone else fix their problems. We understand that the computing landscape is rather complex, especially for those who were not brought up with a keyboard in one hand and a mouse in the other. As a result, fixing anything by yourself can be a daunting task. However, it is wise to remember that even computer repair technicians often get lost and frustrated when attempting to solve a problem. Computers are marvelous devices in certain respects; they allow us to communicate with ease and perform a whole host of tasks effortlessly. At the same time, they are archaic in that they do a very poor job communicating with a flesh and blood human being. Have you ever tried to reason with your computer in order to solve a problem? If you have, you have probably quickly realized that there was almost no chance in the world anything of significance would come out of this one-sided conversation. The PC talks in one language, its own. And if you are unable to communicate in this exact same language, you are likely to become lost.

The key, therefore, is to slowly learn the computer’s language; to learn how it acts in a given situation and then apply this knowledge to future endeavors. This is what we here at Computer Repair Toronto do. If we are unaware of how to deal with a given situation, we head on over to Google, type in our problem, and then search through the results in order to decipher what our PC is telling us. Once we have determined exactly what is going on, we are not only able to deal with the situation; we are also able to add to our computer repertoire. The moral of the story is this: try to take a bit of time to learn how to use and repair your machine. It will not be easy at the very start; however, trust us, it will become easier as time goes by.

So, who is Computer Repair Toronto designed for? Truthfully, it is centered around the user who has novice, perhaps novice-intermediate, skills. We help those who are familiar enough to turn on their machine, surf the Internet, and view family photos. We are not here, however, to discuss extremely complex topics such as how to program in C++, or design an SQL database.

With all of this having been said, we will begin our discussion of the computer landscape (next time) by looking at the similarities and differences between the Mac and the Windows PC. These two computers are the two most common on the market today. Although Windows PC’s dominate the business landscape; Mac’s tend to dominate the area of education. Furthermore, with the inventions of the iPod, and now iPad, Apple (the maker of the Mac) has been gathering steam. Our goal during this series of articles is to help you, the consumer, determine which type of machine is best for your lifestyle.

Hopefully, you continue tuning into Computer Repair Toronto as the weeks and months move on. We think it will be worth your while!

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